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Chaired a Roundtable Discussion on Racism in Singapore, 16 June 2021

On 16 June 2021, Kenneth Paul Tan facilitated a discussion on racism in Singapore. The panel of speakers included Lai Ah-Eng, Anju Mary Paul, Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib, Nazry Bahrawi, and Jerrine Tan.

“Race, a permanent feature of Singapore’s social relations, has stepped out from the shadows, demanding the nation’s attention. A string of social media videos exposing people’s intolerance and hate has sparked widespread revulsion. But there is much less agreement about what these incidents mean. Can they be dismissed as extreme outliers or are they representative of wider rifts? Does the problem start and end with errant individuals, or is it time to refine Singapore’s approaches to ethnic identity? Do they reveal the need for more open conversations — or that the less said, the better? This roundtable gathers scholars of anthropology, sociology, politics and literature for a multidisciplinary conversation about how concerned citizens might think about race and respond to racism.” ( )

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